Can Dogs Eat Cornbread?

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On days when cornbread is on the menu, you might want to sneak some into your dog's mouth. However, can dogs eat cornbread?

We all know that dogs will eat absolutely anything given to them. They have no concept of food or bad food, which is why dog owners must be aware of the kind of food that can cause issues for their dogs in the long run.

Dogs can eat cornbread but in small amounts. If the cornbread you are giving your dog contains extra ingredients, like scallions, butter, or hot peppers, this could cause your dog to get sick, and, if not treated on time, could even be fatal for your precious pup.

In moderation, cornbread will not harm your dog. However, you must be aware of any allergies, including wheat or grain allergies, that your dog may have. In this case, you should not feed your dog cornbread. It is high in calories, fats, and carbs which can cause an upset stomach and other digestive issues in dogs if given regularly. Moreover, if your dog is lactose intolerant, it should be kept away from cornbread.

As experienced vets, we've dealt with many cases of dogs being sick because they ate something they shouldn't have – this includes cornbread. Here we'll discuss all you need to know about cornbread and whether or not dogs can eat it.

In this article

‍How Is Cornbread Made?

Cornbread is made using cornmeal or corn that is ground to achieve the consistency of flour. Baking powder is then added to allow the bread to rise. Cornbread has a crumbly texture and does not usually work well without preservatives and a list of other ingredients.

The simplest cornbread is made using water, salt, and cornmeal. The mixture is then put on top of a wood fire. Some recipes add additional ingredients like wheat flour or fat, along with fried onions to spice up the flavor.

Every 10 grams of cornbread contains 0.4 grams of saturated fat, 0.3 grams of monounsaturated fat, 5.7 mg of cholesterol, a whopping 59.9 mg of sodium, and 1.6 grams of sugar. Depending on how the cornbread is made and the added ingredients, these amounts can vary differently.

Cornbread also contains some vitamins and minerals that, at first glance, may make it seem like a great meal for your furry pet. However, all the ingredients used to make cornbread help make it easy to eat since natural cornbread is not sweet at all.

Additional sugar is usually added, especially in pre-packaged cornbread, to make it taste like a cake. In many cultures, cornbread is served as a cake or dessert. It is a versatile meal, and there are loads of ways to make it delicious.

Can Dogs Eat Cornbread?

Whether you make your own cornbread or choose to buy it from a grocery store, cornbread is the definition of comfort food. However, when considering whether your dog can eat cornbread, you might want to step back and think about all the cornbread you eat yourself.

To answer your question, yes, dogs can eat cornbread. It is not particularly harmful to them unless they have a grain sensitivity that you have no idea about. However, it must be kept in mind that cornbread is not nutritious by nature. In fact, it is loaded with sugar which can lead to weight issues and obesity in the long run.

Based on how it is made, cornbread contains 18 grams of sugar per slice, with 180 calories to top it off. This means that it contains 4.5 teaspoons of sugar. Moreover, since ground-up cornmeal is used to make cornbread, it does not contain much fiber. Even though it may not have a sweet taste, think of it as a slice of cake before you give it to your dog.

Dogs can eat cornbread once in a while, but it definitely should not become a staple in their diet. If you are giving your dog cornbread made from a mix, keep an eye on the list of ingredients, specifically the sugar and salt quantities used. It is best to avoid cornbread that comes with harmful mix-ins, like crumbled sausage, pepperoni, onions, garlic, scallions, spicy peppers, green chilies, butter, and extra sugar.

Can Dogs Eat Cornbread Dressing?

We would not recommend that dogs be given cornbread stuffing or cornbread dressing. There is not much of a difference between dressing and stuffing, and unfortunately, neither of these are suitable dog foods.

Many recipes for the cornbread dressing or stuffing include garlic and onion. Garlic is especially bad for dogs, and onions can cause an upset stomach.

This means that cornbread that is doused in dressing or stuffing should be kept away from dogs. Make sure that your dog does not sneak it off your plate when you aren't looking, as it could suffer from gastrointestinal problems if you are not careful.

What Happens If Your Dog Eats Cornbread?

If you are only feeding your dog cornbread in small amounts, you will probably not see any major side effects.

However, if you find that your dog is vomiting, suffering from itchy skin, has developed a rash, or is experiencing diarrhea, you must take it to a vet as soon as possible. These symptoms show that your dog is allergic to cornbread or has a grain sensitivity that is acting up.

Is Cornbread Good for Dogs?

Cornbread is not really good for dogs as it does not contain any nutritional benefits. That said, you can give it to your dog as an occasional snack. However, you must ensure that it does not contain any toxic ingredients that will affect your dog's digestive system.

When feeding your dog any human food, it is important that you limit the amount of food given to your dog and do not make this a daily habit. A few bites of cornbread off your dinner plate every once in a while is usually okay for dogs who don't have allergies, but you must be careful that you don't go overboard.

What to Do if Your Dog Eats Cornbread

Dogs don't usually have a pause button when it comes to food. If you find that your puppy has found the cornbread you kept hidden away and has eaten more than the recommended amount, you will have to keep a close eye on it and look out for gastrointestinal distress.

This includes lethargy, vomiting, continuous gulping, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. If these symptoms flare up after your dog has eaten a large amount of cornbread, it is best to pay the vet a quick visit.

However, if your dog has only eaten some cornbread that does not contain any toxic ingredients, you have nothing to worry about – it will be fine. We would still recommend keeping an eye out for any negative reactions. In case you notice anything out of the ordinary or find that your dog is behaving unusually, contact your vet.